Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bernie finally calmed down! He is obsessed with Brogan and really enjoys sniffing his diaper!

looking awesome in my new Colts hat!

Brogan wasn't as excited at Grandpa during the Purdue football game.

Mom and baby hanging out.

Brogan talking to Great Grandma Daily.

Great Grandma came down to help out! Thank you!

Brogan is decked out in Cubbies gear...too bad the Cubs have been sucking lately!

Brogan's first Blue Friday. Go Colts!

Alicia came by to visit!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Uncle Tim came down to check out his nephew! Brogan can't wait for his own tatoo:)

Wildman hairdo! It's crazy like Mommy's!!!

New pictures!

Here is a late one from the hospital...this is what exhaustion looks like!

Aunt Becky came to check out the newest O'Connor

Aunt Linda and Great-Grandma O checked out little Brogan

Great Grandma and Brogan hit it off

Look at all that fancy red hair!

Brogan is now 2wks old! He looks like a little old man with his wrinkles and crazy red hair:)