Two big boys! Brogan hangs out with his second cousin Adam. They're exactly one month a part in age.

Brogan shows Adam what he's all about...'You're in my crib now!'
JK, the boys seemed to like each other. Brogan really wanted to touch Adam a lot...unfortunately he kept 'touching' him in the face with his fist.

Lindsey, Adam, Brogan and Bevin relax on the couch.

Great-Grandpa Daily gets some time with Adam.

April got to come home for the weekend! Great Grandma Daily came down to see her first grandchild (April) and Ed & Nancy's first grandchild (Brogan!)

The boys with their Great Grandparents...looks like Brogan did some more 'touching' to Adam before this picture.

4 generations of O'Connors!

4 generations of Daily's!

April and Brogan spend some quality time...they appear to mutually entertain each other!